The Whitest Cube
Museums are really sensitive to critique.
We decided we don't care.
The Whitest Cube is a podcast about the exclusionary history of art institutions from the perspective of people of color.
We're looking at the current practices that stem from their colonial history, sharing our stories, and highlighting movements that critique the status-quo and reveal potentially transformative paths forward.
We'll talk to artists, activists, scholars, and the city of Boston to envision a future for museums, and what we're doing to work through the present.
About Us

Ariana Lee is a museum professional, artist, and dreamer investigating how art institutions systematically marginalize narratives of color. She received a B.A. in History from Brown University before completing a Post-Baccalaureate degree at School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts University.

Palace Shaw is on hiatus from the museum life after working as frontline staff in a contemporary art museum. Currently she is the Community Manager at the prx podcast garage following her passion for community-driven media. She recieved a B.S. in Interdisciplinary Communications from Lesley University.